Waxing FAQs

  • How long should the hair be?

    You need AT LEAST 2 weeks of growth for most body areas. 3 weeks is actually better for places you shave frequently, like legs, underarms, and bikini area. If your hair grows fast, it may look long enough to wax after a week, and some of those hairs my BE long enough, BUT there are small hairs underneath that won’t be long enough for the wax to grab.

  • Does it hurt?

    Yes! But it’s not torture. I always work with new clients to go at a pace that is comfortable for you. Also, if it turns out to be more painful than you want to endure, we can call it off at any time. The fact is, most people end up saying it wasn’t as bad as they thought it would be.

  • What's the difference between a BIKINI and a BRAZILIAN?

    A bikini wax removes the hair on the front side that would stick out of a fairly small bikini bottom. A Brazilian removes all the hair from the front and back. Some people get a Brazilian but leave a patch of hair above the pubic bone. You can always decide how much or how little hair you want removed. Just let me know what you’re after.

  • How can I make it hurt less?

    First, let it grow. Longer hair comes out more smoothly than shorter hair. Second, exfoliate with a body brush for a few days prior to your appointment to help the hair let go a bit more easily. Third, taking a couple ibuprophen about 30 minutes before your appointment will reduce the discomfort. Fourth, get waxed regularly. Going wax to wax with no shaving in between every 5 weeks will thin the hair out A LOT! Less hair hurts less when it gets removed.

  • Can I leave my underwear on?

    Not if you’re getting a bikini or Brazilian wax.

  • I'm still nervous. What can I do?

    Look, I’ve been waxing people for over 10 years. I’ve seen everything there is to see, and I’ve waxed people who are super tough and stoic and people who are twitchy and vocal about the discomfort. This is a NO JUDGMENT zone, and I bet I can help you get through it comfortably.